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2024 Memorial Day Mission

2024 Memorial Day Mission

Memorial Day Mission: Exclusive Giveaway & Sale

You’ve been selected for an exclusive mission this Memorial Day.


Mission Brief

Your mission involves these 2 steps:

1. Submit Your Drop Story

Submit your best phone drop survival story in the comment section of this blog post.

2. Send The Mission Code

Text SHADES to +1 (510) 394-3578


Exclusive Sale Access

By participating in this crucial mission, you'll also unlock the exclusive Memorial Day Sale coupon code, sent to you via text. This code is your key to significant savings, available only to those daring enough to accept this mission.


Mission Winners

Mission will be closed May 27, 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

We will select the winners based on the completion of the two-step mission brief and the most interesting drop story. Winners will be contacted by our agents on May 29, 2024.


Join The Mission Now

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Scott Madaglia - May 23, 2024

I dropped my Galaxy S5 off a metal tower while hiking, (50 feet) and it survived!

Back story, I was sitting at the on the ground of the tower, and my phone fell out of my pocket and fell through a grate. Hit a wicked big rock. Didn’t even realized it fell until we left.

Field had to call my phone to see where it ended up. Phones screen was shattered, but still usable!

Noël - May 23, 2024

I do traffic control, I have busted so many phones in the past even with what was supposed to be the best cases out there. I had to run for my life when there was a tri-axle headed my way that flipped. My phone come flying out of my vest & hit a huge pile of rocks, I thought for sure I had another phone down. After finally getting the chance to grab my phone, I looked it over. . . ABSOLUTELY NO SCRATCHES nor A SHATTERED SCREEN!!!! I couldn’t believe how well Ghostek cases really holds up to their word! I will forever be a Ghostek user from that point forward. Ghostek’s fully enclosed cases are absolutely life savers & money savers

Brandon Wimer - May 23, 2024

Not the “craziest” drop story, but it’s the story that made me a lifelong ghostek customer. I was being dumb and texting while walking along a balcony. My buddy was being rowdy with another buddy and they bumped me pretty hard, knocking my phone from my hands. It hit the metal balcony, slid over the edge and fell roughly 20ft to the concrete below. The phone took ZERO Damage. The case had only scratches and a little ding. That’s it. I decided then and there I’d be using ghostek forever more.

Jeremy - May 23, 2024

For me, the worst phone drop was something relatively boneheaded. I had set my alarm on my phone, but was exhausted and fell asleep with my Fold open and laying on my chest. When the alarm went off the next morning it startled me because of how loud/close it was and I jumped up quickly launching the phone through the air to land on a corner on the ground. While the case detached slightly there was no damage to the phone and I was able snap the case back on without problem.

Brad Gallaway - May 23, 2024

My story is far less “work in the field” than others but real nonetheless. So in my most casual holiday attire of a hoodie and sweats I went out to my porch on a freezing cold December morn to decorate for the Christmas holiday, brand new iphone 15 in pocket. I bent over to make the obligatory Christmas Vacation type electrical connection and it happened. The phone came tumbling out of my hoodie “pocket”. I tried in vain to catch it but all I could do was watch in horror as “My Precious” went skittering across the concrete. Fortunately my Ghostek case saved the day! Picked her up and learned a valuable lesson: When decorating in winter layer up and keep your goods on the inside!

Ricky - May 23, 2024

I purchased the blue and red metallic color ghostek covers and after 6 months already both cases are like brand new..No scratches at all on the color of the phone case..I had some strong cases in the past..BUT NONE LIKE GHOSTEK…They are KING OF THE CASE’S..🫅HANDS DOWN 💯👍

Chad Lorge - May 23, 2024

Well I have a double drop story. Launching the boat at the river, while jumping from truck to trailer to boat, the S22 + decided it wanted to be free of the comfort of my pocket and on the first lunge from the truck out it flew, higher than me, I’m only 5’7" but it was a good 12 plus inches above my head, smacks the front of the boat, down to hit a rail on the trailer before hitting the water and sinking 3’ to ramp bottom. Now I figured the phone is toast, case could handle the first hit, maybe, but the second and water not a chance. How wrong I was, nothing but a small dent in the plastic Nautical case. Only case that will go on any phone I own are Ghostek!

Ricky - May 23, 2024

I purchased the blue and red metallic color ghostek covers and after 6 months already both cases are like brand new..No scratches at all on the color of the phone case..I had some strong cases in the past..BUT NONE LIKE GHOSTEK…They are KING OF THE CASE’S..🫅HANDS DOWN 💯👍

Rob F - May 23, 2024

As a person with neuropathy in their hands I’m always dropping my phone, though the worst was in the parking lot at wal-mart where I was putting it in my leg pocket and dropped it on the ground and it got run over by the front and back tire of a car. The phone survived , the case cracked a little but is still usable as is.

Charles Harper - May 23, 2024

I had always been an avid photographer, capturing breathtaking shots during my weekend hikes. This Saturday was no different, as I found myself at the edge of a cliff, aiming for the perfect sunset picture with my iPhone 14 Pro Max. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, a perfect backdrop for the shot I envisioned.

Just as I was about to snap the picture, a strong gust of wind caught me off guard. Losing my balance momentarily, my phone slipped from my grasp. My heart skipped a beat as I watched my phone tumble down the rocky cliffside. It bounced off jagged edges and skidded across sharp stones, disappearing from view.

Panic set in. The thought of my expensive phone, shattered and broken, was unbearable. Determined, I carefully made my way down the treacherous path, each step filled with dread. The minutes felt like hours as I navigated the rocky terrain, my eyes scanning for any sign of my phone.

Finally, I spotted it. There, precariously resting on a narrow ledge about twenty feet down, was my iPhone 14 Pro Max, encased in its trusty Ghostek case. I gingerly retrieved it, bracing myself for the worst. To my amazement, the phone appeared unscathed. The case had absorbed the impact, protecting the screen and body from the brutal fall.

I turned it over, inspecting it closely. Not a single scratch marred the screen, and the phone powered on without issue. The Ghostek case had lived up to its reputation, shielding my device from what seemed like certain destruction.

With a sigh of relief, I pocketed my phone and made my way back up the cliff. As I reached the top, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of gratitude for my Ghostek case. It had saved my phone from a dramatic fall, allowing me to continue capturing the beauty of nature without missing a beat.

A quality case like Ghostek’s can truly make a difference, turning a potentially disastrous situation into a mere anecdote.

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