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2024 Memorial Day Mission

2024 Memorial Day Mission

Memorial Day Mission: Exclusive Giveaway & Sale

You’ve been selected for an exclusive mission this Memorial Day.


Mission Brief

Your mission involves these 2 steps:

1. Submit Your Drop Story

Submit your best phone drop survival story in the comment section of this blog post.

2. Send The Mission Code

Text SHADES to +1 (510) 394-3578


Exclusive Sale Access

By participating in this crucial mission, you'll also unlock the exclusive Memorial Day Sale coupon code, sent to you via text. This code is your key to significant savings, available only to those daring enough to accept this mission.


Mission Winners

Mission will be closed May 27, 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

We will select the winners based on the completion of the two-step mission brief and the most interesting drop story. Winners will be contacted by our agents on May 29, 2024.


Join The Mission Now

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Brandon Race - May 23, 2024

As far as my best survival story for a dropped phone I’d have to go with just my work. I wish it was more comical than that but being that I’m a brick Mason by trade. There’s always been plenty of times where phone drops happen. As far as the best one is probably when I was working for this roofing company called Bone Dry Roofing. They have a masonry division which I was apart of and they mainly worked on residential property such as homes, condos. Apts, etc. So to set the scene we were out at a customers home doing what it called a Flue Liner. Which is basically running a hvac flex pipe from the top of the chimney on the roof of a 2 story house through the clay tiles called flue tiles that run on the inside of the chimney. Which is where the fireplace vents, hot water heater, bathroom vents, and furnace could potentially be venting through. My helper at the time was in the basement while I was going to be up on the roof feeding the flex pipe down to him so we could later hook it up to the furnace and hot water heater. So before any of that could take place we typically will check to see if there is any noticeable obstructions in the way that would prevent me from feeding the flex pipe down the inside of the chimney. Normally I would use a flashlight or other cheaper source of light and look down through the flue tiles on the inside of chimney. But as luck would have it I didnt have my flashlight with me and I couldn’t find it anywhere in the work truck. So I got the idea of hey I can just tie some of this nylon rope we have around my phone really good and I’ll just lower it some down the inside of this chimney to make sure it’s clear of any debris from any animals that may have crawled into the chimney. (Which isn’t as rare as you would think lol) So I’m back up on the roof and and starting to lower my cellphone with the flashlight setting turned on things were going smoothly and I wasn’t worried or thinking of hey maybe something might go wrong. The series of unfortunate events that followed seem to only ever happen to at least that’s how I view it. But there was a slight bend in the clay flue tiles that run up from the bottom of the chimney to the top and idk if I was day dreaming but I didn’t see that it bent in time and I ended up running into one of the clay flue tiles in the bend. As soon as that happened the nylon rope I had my phone tied around got stuck either on old mortar the builders used to attach the 2’ sections of flue tiles when the house was 1st built. So I’m up on this person’s chimney trying to jiggle this rope around and get it unstuck so I coukd get my phone back to prevent any damage. As kuck would have it again for me the rope breaks from rubbing on the jagged mortar that was on the inside of the chimney. Now one woukd think ok nice everything should just fall down the clay flue tiles and my helper coukd grab my phone. Wrong way wrong. I guess since I don’t have x ray vision that my phone and the part of the rope it was attached to managed to get stuck somewhere else inside this homeowners chimney. At this point I’m furious cause I have to be the biggest idiot to think lowering my phone down through a chimney on rope was going to be simple and nothing could go wrong. After calming myself down and having a pep talk with myself I climbed back up on the roof and brought with me some metal rods that are attachable to each other for when we would have a chimney sweep. And I just went to town smacking those metal rods up and down and side to side through this chimney trying to hit my cellphone. After about 15 mins of trying I somehow received good luck as I was able to hit my cellphone loose and it fell the rest of the way down the flue tiles into the clean out trap. My helper said when he went to go pick my phone up he was expecting it to be in pretty bad shape. And to his amazement he said once he started looking it over he said the only bad thing damage wise woukd have to be the soot that got stuck on the screen cover and everywhere else. I’m just happy I got my phone back and was amazed st how well the case had held up to what had just took place. The sad thing is this may have been the 1st time something like this had happened but I can say it’s not been more than 2 times as after the 2nd time something happened im a similar manner I just stopped devising plans that required me using my phone in not so ideal situations. Although I learned during both times that my phone case could handle more than I had originally thought which was nice since it’s bounced down 4 sets of scaffolding as well but that’s a story for a different time. Hope you enjoy my stupidity as most people do lol.

Thanks, peace.

Scott Rosenburg - May 23, 2024

I was talking to a friend who pulled in my driveway , laid my phone on his roof while we were talking , he pulled out , my neighbor pulled out right behind him, they turned left , when they got to the interstate he took off fast and my neighbor seen my phone flipping thru the air , and slam the side of the road , he stopped to see if it was a wallet , and found my phone , when I got it back it had a large gash in the case but my phone survived , been buying ghostek since !!!

Frederick - May 23, 2024

One bright afternoon, I was rushing down the stairs of my apartment building, my phone clutched in my hand. I had just received an urgent message, and in my haste, my foot slipped on the edge of a step. In that split second of losing balance, my phone flew out of my grip.

Time seemed to slow as I watched in horror, my phone somersaulting through the air. It hit the first metal step with a resounding clang, then another, and another, bouncing its way down the entire flight of stairs. Each impact echoed through the stairwell, a grim reminder of the fate awaiting my device.

Heart pounding, I scrambled down the stairs after it, fearing the worst. When I reached the bottom, I saw my phone lying there, seemingly intact. Cautiously, I picked it up, bracing myself for the inevitable cracks or, worse, a shattered screen.

To my astonishment, the phone was perfectly fine. No scratches, no dents, nothing. It was then that I remembered the Ghostek case I had recently bought. The rugged, shock-absorbent material had protected my phone from the brutal descent down the metal stairs.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I couldn’t help but smile. My Ghostek case had not just saved my phone—it had saved me from the headache and expense of a repair or replacement. I continued on my way, now a little more mindful of my steps, grateful for the durable armor protecting my phone.

William Alden - May 23, 2024

A few years back I was involved in a pretty intense car accident, my friend driving was putting on a song by The Doors called “ this is the end “, luckily it wasn’t the end for me. He was looking at his phone as a sharp turn came up ahead, right away I knew it was going to be a bad one and I had to survive it. You can say my instincts kicked in with a little bit of luck, as the car started flipping down the steep hill everything seemed to be in slow motion. I was sitting in the backseat with no seatbelt on and remember every specific detail. On the first flip the back windshield shattered, the second flip my left shoe fell off, third flip I watched my iPhone with the Ghostek case fly past my face and on the fourth flip I was halfway out of the car so I put my hands together and pushed myself away from the car. Looking down the hill to see the car destroyed and my friends freaking out I was in a state of shock realizing I was alive but soon after adrenaline began. Somehow my Ghostek cased phone and I landed safely on the ground. Thanks to a strong phone case and strong will, my phone and I was able to live another day.

Caan Kalehuawehe - May 23, 2024

My story starts at Las Vegas I was on the strip on one of the people Bridges since they don’t have cross locks and it was night time. They usually have glass bears to prevent people from jumping off but I found this one little crack in the hole that I can get a good unobstructed picture of the Bellagio water fountain and I dropped my phone and landed on the road and then they got ran over by four cars and I still didn’t have any cracked screen!!! Ghost tech is the best case out there.

Joseph Friemel - May 23, 2024

Craziest drop story for me was a few years back. I was building a 40000 gallon tank for a water treatment facitlity. We had all the forms up, rebar and everything was good to go on a 40 foot wall. We were at the top while pouring the concrete in via the pump truck when my phone rang, removed my phone from my pocket to see who it was and the hose kicked knocking my phone out of my hand and into the wall. It landed in the concrete about 25 ft down after bouncing off rebar the whole way. A week later we were removing the forms and found it, so I chiseled it out. It was dead obviously after being in there for so long, but it still worked after a charge. Continued using that phone for almost a year after that

Gary - May 23, 2024

While working on a sidewalk of a public street about 16 feet up. Dropped my phone which hit the street, next to the curb. Before I could unhook from safety lines & harnesses to climb down the scaffolding to get my phone, a full-sized SUV pulled into the parking space – my phone was wedged between the SUV tire and the curb. The edge of my phone was actually under the tire!
I had to power the phone back on and replace the screen protector, that’s it! A decent case saves money, time, & the hassle or replacing a damaged device.

Gerardo Perez - May 23, 2024

One day I was changing my home’s cooler on our rooftop, I didn’t grab my phone correctly and it slipped out of my hands down to near the ladder, but I hadn’t fallen off the roof. As soon as I got close I noticed that it was about to slip if I took one more step, so I stood there thinking what to do, then I got an idea, I’ll just use a piece of rooftop to get it. Bit by bit I was getting closer to grabbing it, but I yanked to hard and it slid all the way down, the drop was about 12 feet, and just as I was already thinking of replacing my phone, I noticed it was not broken bits, it had some scratches and bruises, but no major hardware damage, I was relieved and was a bit surprised that nothing major had happened. After that day if I want protection for my tech, I know just where to look.

Kevin Woodrum - May 23, 2024

There I was boarding a UH60 Blackhawk Helicopter in the dead of night with my Ghostek phone clipped on my belt.
The mission was a city overflight as the acting govornator, (best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice), for a review of a simulated city just struck by natural disaster.

Once the aircraft lifted off for an overflight of the city, my job as the acting Governor was, review the incident area, take photos and evaluate the situation on the ground from the air.

While in flight, I reached for my phone to find it was no longer attached but had released from my Ghostek belt clip while boarding the aircraft. My first thought was, oh no, I have lost my phone! My second thought was, how do I take photos and do my job?

Just as I began looking for my phone on the floor of the aircraft during a night operation, the aircraft immediately dropped in altitude and began flying low just above the tree tops and buildings.

During that immediate drop things inside the aircraft become weightless and momentarily float, in doing so, my phone flew through the air from the floor of the aircraft and dropped directly in my lap. I quickly secured the phone, took the photos and and reattached my phone back to my Ghostek holster making my mission complete.

A lesson learned, use the lanyard provided by Ghostek and clip it to a belt loop with a carabiner and your phone will never drop again.

Danielle - May 23, 2024

Not the worst drop story but a funny one. When touch screen phones first came out, I had my phone in my back pocket. I went to the bathroom and dropped my brand new phone in the toilet. No insurance on it or anything.

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