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2024 Memorial Day Mission

2024 Memorial Day Mission

Memorial Day Mission: Exclusive Giveaway & Sale

You’ve been selected for an exclusive mission this Memorial Day.


Mission Brief

Your mission involves these 2 steps:

1. Submit Your Drop Story

Submit your best phone drop survival story in the comment section of this blog post.

2. Send The Mission Code

Text SHADES to +1 (510) 394-3578


Exclusive Sale Access

By participating in this crucial mission, you'll also unlock the exclusive Memorial Day Sale coupon code, sent to you via text. This code is your key to significant savings, available only to those daring enough to accept this mission.


Mission Winners

Mission will be closed May 27, 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

We will select the winners based on the completion of the two-step mission brief and the most interesting drop story. Winners will be contacted by our agents on May 29, 2024.


Join The Mission Now

Next article Almost Here: Collab Edition Doped Out M


Nadia Din - May 26, 2024

When my phone fell from the top of a small cliff overlooking a waterfall in Madagascar, I thought to myself, no phone could’ve survived that fall. There’s just no way. It probably hit some rocks and landed in the WATER! It’s something I know in my heart, like when a twin knows their other twin is in pain, or how Taylor Swift always knows when to send Ed Sheeran an uplifting needlepoint.

Picking it up feels like it’s happening in slower motion than the actual fall. There is no way I will ever feel this type of panic again. Ever.

Please, whatever you do, land on your back…and float! They say toast always lands buttered side down. Phones land on whatever will do the most damage, and almost never on their back with their intact screens staring up at you. Should be Murphy’s Law. At the very least, it’ll land face-first, forcing you to pick it up to assess the extent of the damage. All I can do is hope and pray at this point.

I knew I bought a Ghotek case for a reason. Hmmm, did I ever actually buy that phone insurance? If I have to ask myself this question, the answer is probably, “no.”

My life, in pictures I have stored on that phone, flashed before my eyes. If this is truly the end, I’ll lose all my Iceland vacation pictures, funny cat videos, the last 50 selfies I took, all those Amazon screenshots — there are so many things I wanted to upload to Instagram! Why was I so stingy with my posting when my phone was alive?

Then the moment of truth…the phone survived?! But how?! It was a Ghostek case miracle!! The case saved the phone, not a scratch on it! And then the cool water eject app got the water out! Oh, happy day! Thanks to my trusty Ghostek case!

Kelly Madewell - May 25, 2024

I Was At Work Brazing Engine Parts For Boeing. We Have A 3 foot Wide By 8 Foot Long And 5 Foot deep Cooling tank.we drop our Parts In It after Brazing . I Was Texting My Coworker About How Lazy Our Supervisor Was . When He Walks Up Behind Me And Startled Me By Saying My Bald Spot Was Getting Bigger. He Actually Made Me Jump And I Fumbled My Phone Right Into The Tank Full Of Water. The Watsr Is Dirty From Flux And Very Murky. I Quickly Searched The Bottom Of The Tank. I Found My Phone In Perfect Working Order And When The Supervisor Asked What I Was Doing On My Phone. I Said I Was Texting Him That I Appreciated Some Feedback He Had Given In A Meeting Earlier In The Day. He Walked Off All Smiles

Christa G - May 25, 2024

Riding down the road got to going fast and it slide from driver to passenger side then out the window it flew. Busy street too

Christa G - May 25, 2024

Riding down the road got to going fast and it slide from driver to passenger side then out the window it flew. Busy street too

Ryan Olmstead - May 25, 2024

I do structural inspections for homes and businesses. I was investigating a chimney that was the cause of a residential fire. I dropped my phone down the chimney from roof level. Ot fell 2 stories into the fireplace. It escaped the drop filthy, but unscathed

Cory - May 24, 2024

Was riding my motorcycle with my phone mounted an RAM X-grip. I hit a pothole or debris in the road while passing through a traffic light at ~35 MPH, after which my Bluetooth music suddenly stopped playing. I looked to where my phone should be, only to find no phone there. Panicked, I quickly pulled over to look for my phone.

Somehow my phone was dislodged by whatever defect I’d hit in the pavement, bounced a couple times before landing facedown and sliding another 30 or more feet in the middle of the right lane I’d been traveling in. Luck would have it that another car wasn’t following too close or came to run it over. The screen protector even saved the screen for shattering!

The only scar my phone ended up with was a slight dent in the upper left corner of the frame. I guess that was the initial point of impact. Phone lived until I traded it in and the case survived enough to use another couple months!

Toya - May 24, 2024

I went canoeing with my family. Since I live out of town, I didn’t get a chance to get a waterproof box for my cell phone. I was hoping my Ghostek waterproof case would save me in case of an emergency. Of course our canoe flipped over. Needless to say my nephew had to use the rice and prayer method for his phone and my phone stayed dry. I purchased him a waterproof Ghostek case for his new phone.

John Wylie - May 24, 2024

I am the catapulting king with dropping phones. You name it, any angle, any amount of grip….. If the phone starts falling I have the uncanny and rapid ability to instantaneously reach for it….. With the intention to recover it….. But I manage to do it in a way that enhances the speed and inevitable impact on the ground, by the phone.

Falling at 5 mph? That’s ok, my saving hands will smack the phone and send it to 50mph real quick.

I would win any phone-dropping race.

Thankfully…. My Ghostek case keeps my Samsung Fold 4 in a condition that lets me pretend I am coordinated.

My Ghostek saves my phone every time. From…. SHOCKINGLY Heavy impacts and falls…..

…….. Magic?


Brian - May 24, 2024

I’m a Carpenter and I was working 35 for in the air and my phone fell out of my tool belt and fell all the way to the ground. Needles to day I need a new everything

David Sauers - May 24, 2024

Broke my phone need a new case

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